Sunday, May 31, 2009

thought for parents

My last post had me thinking...

The changes I have made to my "diet" (food and supplements) has improved my personal realtionship, work and my self esteem along with my comfort in my clothes and in my body.

It makes me wonder why more parents aren't taking better care of themselves too...

Now remember I'm in the home I know having a child let alone a child with education and behavioral challenges is a lot of work, but its just as important for you as parents to be strong, healthy and happy.

Parents just think the few minutes (or couple hours) you took for yourself, how much that time can make a difference. A difference in interacting with your child, husband or your other children. How from that time you have the extra energy to make the healthy meal rather then orderimg take out or the energy to spend the quality time you always wanted.

Just think you can feel as good as your child if you figured out what foods affect your body and by taking supplements. I say this because it was your children who motivated me to look at myself so I hope your children are motivating you too!

I hope YOU parents will look at yourself and see what you need to do to make sure you are doing all you can to take care of yourself. Let me know if you want some help!

1 comment:

  1. I know. I have an autistic son, and it's hard for me to carve out time to take care of myself. Usually, when he naps, I feel like napping, too. I need to eat better, for starters. What's your take on a sensory four year old who won't eat new foods? Can you fix that? If so, sign me up. We're having a horrible time with our son's diet.
