Friday, October 2, 2009

Hello everyone. My biofilm protocal is going well. I think I'm coming to the home stretch. Waiting to here from Geri about the next step. I feel good and my stomach hasn't been as easily upset. I haven't been getting sick and if I feel like somethings coming on, I go to bed early and in the morning feel just fine. Please ket me know if you have any further questions.

Biofilm Info from Geri Brewster

The matrix is principally composed of exopolysaccharides cross-linked by calcium and magnesium. The microorganisms are protected from dislodgement, predation and host immune responses. They are 10-1000 times more resistant to antimicrobials.

The healthful gastrointestinal microbiota reside within biofilm, which provides protective barrier function and colonization resistance against pathogens. Pathogenic biofilms occur in a variety of dysbiotic disorders from Barrett’s esophagus and Helicobacter pylori-associated disorders to inflammatory bowel disease and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Biofilm shields microbes from the body’s humoral and cell-mediated immune responses. The body’s phagocytic assault on biofilm generally results in collateral damage to surrounding tissue with no impact on the pathogens

An antibiofilm strategy involving nutritional supplements is available. This strategy involves the coadministration of hydrolytic enzymes, chelating agents, and antimicrobials in the fasting state to disrupt pathogenic biofilm and kill pathogens. Pre- and probiotics are given at a separate time of day to support the healthful endogenous microflora, displace pathogens, and further disrupt pathogenic biofilm through probiotic secretions of surfactants and other molecules

Olmstead, et al. The Clinical Implications of Gastrointestinal Biofilm, technical summary 2009.

Many protocols appear harsh with extreme forms of die-off reported

Recent milder protocols are emerging

We are experiencing favorable responses.


  1. Now that I have been Organic and mostly gluten free since the start of the summer I have been feeling better.I was constantly itching my nose and inside of my ears. I craved foods that turned out to be harming my gut. As well as Tia, I am under the treatment of Geri Brewster. Consulting with Geri last week I just started my Bio-film this past Monday. I am looking forward to the results!!

  2. Hi Tina, I posted on an earlier blogpost today without noticing that you had many updates.
    Geri Brewster's website doesn't give her full protocol. If there is a link, please post it. If not, could you private e-mail me with the information, or post a comment on my blog, drjanisbell[at]gmail[dot]com
