Sunday, February 14, 2010


A friend asked me about a more natural way to treat eczema. I have done some research and figured I would share the information with everyone.

What is eczema?
Also known as atopic dermatits it is a type of skin rash. It is characterized by itchiness, redness and scaliness. When the area is scratched frequently the area may have oozing blisters surrounded by red or discolored areas.
Food allergies can trigger or cause the eczema to worsen.
I recommend the RAST Test and if the results do not answer your questions The Allergy Sensitivity Test through Geonva Labs will help narrow down where the allergens may lay. Both test should be covered by your insurance. I do not recommend the skin test as it is painful and only severe allergies are recognized.
If you want to do an elimination test the most common food triggers are eggs, milk, peanuts, soy and wheat/gluten. If you do this make sure to eliminate at least 1 week at a time.
Adding high quality animal based Omega 3 fats to reduce inflammation and
Using a mild soap and don't over bathe.
Using a high quality probiotic and fermented foods.
Increasing your Vitamin D, which improves our skin.

Best of luck! And as always any information to share please send an email or a comment. Thanks.

Two main resources:

No high fructose corn syrup

It has been a couple weeks into making sure I am not taking in high fructose corn syrup. It is actually easier then I expected. Went grocery shopping today for the first time since deciding on taking this on and and except for reading labels it wasn't that different.

I hope everyone is reaching the goals they have set so far this year!

Monday, February 1, 2010

New month New Goal February

To keep up with my monthly goals I decided to work on reducing my high fructose corn syrup. The verdict is still out in regards if it is Ok to eat or not, but I have decided to see if limiting it would help me to be healthier.

Sweets will be harder for me as it's my birthday month and Valentine's Day :)

So this month I will focus on natural sweets and decrease processed sweets. It's interesting because I don't consume a lot of natural sweets, I have learned my favorite sweetener is not recommended anymore... agave nectar. So this month I will reduce the use of agave nectar and also find a substitute sweetener by the end of the month.
Check out: for more information on agave nectar.

It is important to read labels in general and that is where most people can begin to make changes. So all labels I can read I will avoid high fructose corn syrup. Wish me luck!
To read more why high fructose corn syrup isn't recommended check out:

Hope all is well with everyone and each and all are reaching your goals.

Please share I look forward to hearing from you.