Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Yeast no more... almost

Hello! It's been some time and I received my test results!
I am almost yeast free. I need to continue with what I'm doing, which has been:
No added sugar
Minimal high fructose sugar
Minimal fruit and fruit juice
Minimal amount of dairy
Minimal mushrooms
Minimal vinegar (substituted apple cider vinegar)

Over the next 3 months I will reduce some foods that I should have reduced when I started this yeast adventure:
Salad Dressing
Pre packaged snacks: cookies, cakesm candy, etc (I don't eat them often, but know it is something I should cut back on).

Tip: When I "reduce things" I finish what I have already bought and then reduce by not buying next time!

I am also taking prescriptions to reduce yeast:

and a herb to assist to decrease yeast:
Uva Ursi

Since I began this "Get rid of yeast" attack I haven't been perfect and I think I will have flare ups once in awhile, as I enjoy ice cream once in awhile and other things I know I shouldn't have.

I'm about being realistic and not spending a year getting rid of the yeast to then spending years later attacking it again because I couldn't stick to it. What I believe in, is life style changes rather than unrealistic goals short term to which leads to results later.

Now that my yeast has decreased, I can tackle the excess weight, I have put on.  My doctor believes once I reduce the yeast, it will be better easier to get the weight off. Let's see! If you would like to follow my weight loss adventure check out

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