Friday, August 14, 2009

alternative milks

Q: Explain to me soy milk, almond milk and all the alternative milks?

A: Before I go into why "alternative milk" I would like to mention some reasons why not dairy and why alternative milk is a better choice for some people.

Milk isn't the best source to protect osteprosis. Studies have found no protective effect of dairy calcium on bone. You can decrease your risk of osteoporosis by reducing sodium and animal protein in the diet, increasing intake of fruits and vegetables, exercising and ensuring adequate calcium intake from plant foods such as leafy green vegetables and beans, as well as calcium-fortified products such whole grains and fruits.

Lactose intolerance is common among many populations, affecting approximately 95% of Asian Americans, 74% of Native Americans, 70% of African Americans, 53% of Mexican Americans and 15% of Caucasians. Symptoms, which include gastrointestinal distress, diarrhea and flatulence, occur because these individuals do not have the enzymes that digest the milk sugar lactose.

There are contaminants in milk. Synthetic hormones, such as recombinant bovine growth hormone, are commonly used in dairy cows to increase the production of milk. Because the cows are producing quantities of milk that nature never intended, the end result is mastitis, or inflammation of the mammary glands. The treatment requires the use of antibiotics, and traces of these and hormones have been found in samples of milk and other dairy products. Pesticides and other drugs are also frequent contaminants of dairy products.

So what do you do as a substitute?
Soy milk is a choice. I try not to have too much soy in my diet, but soy milk has both benefits and dangers. For men soy milk isn't a first choice as it decreases testotorone and can lower production of sperm. If the soy in unfermented it has high level of phytic acid which can lead to a lower absorption of certain vitamins and minerals. Some benefts of soy, is it does not have caesin or lactose (which is what a lot of people can not break down and is found in cow's milk). Also soy protein is effective at lowering your cholesterol, which ultimately lowers your overall risk of developing heart-related issues.

Almond milk is amother alternative. Almonds are very healthy and can have tons of vitamins and minerals. The downside is you need a lot of almonds to recieve all the benefits. Be careful not buy almond milk that is high in sweetners and perservatives.

Rice milk is high in cards as it is produced from brown rice. It is not as thick as soy or dairy milks, and has a somewhat translucent consistency. Compared to soy and almond milk, rice milk has less protein. For me rice milk was the easiest transition from cow's milk.

Alternative to dairy milk is an aquired taste and you need to make sure you are still receiving nutrients and not just eating an alternative full of junk. Try different brands as each has different tastes. For me soy milk is the closest to cow's milk although if you have problems with cow's milk there is a good possibility you could have problems with soy as it is from a similar enzyme (as I did). I like almond milk for more of a dessert. For a long time I used rice milk in my cereal. After awhile, for me at least, milk became less of my diet. My boyfriend enjoys milk, but we make sure it's organic and we decrease the amount used in receipies. He even drinks a lot less milk now.

Remember to always have ALL DAIRY ORGANIC whenever you can :)
Let me know your comments on different alternative milks and brands you prefer.

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