Thursday, April 15, 2010

March goal chewing

Hello all! I am in the process of launching my private practice and I have been a little behind with my postings and newsletters. Sorry about that.

During the month of March I focused on chewing. With each bite I chewed at least 20 times and did my best to put my fork down between bites. The results was definitely eating slower and not feeling like I needed to eat so much. The funny thing that happened was a lot of people commented about my chewing, "you chew loud" or what are you chewing that takes so long"! it made me realize that in our culture we don't take the time to relax, chew and enjoy our food. Since there was no newsletter last month here is some extra information on chewing.


Why is chewing important?
Chewing leads to smooth digestion and greater assimilation of nutrients by initiating the release of digestive enzymes that break food down.

It is especially important to chew foods that are carbohydrates. To digest carbohydrates it begins in the mouth. By chewing we are turning the grains and other complex carbohydrates into satisfying sugars that makes oils, proteins and minerals available for maximum absorption.

If you would like more information on chewing send me an email or post a comment and I can give you a handout with more more details.

Enjoy chewing everyone!

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